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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Two Nuclear Reactors shut down due to Lake Michigan Swells and Excessive Debris Threat (Nov. 1, early a.m.)

BRIDGMAN — Both reactors at the Donald C. Cook nuclear plant in Lake Township were "manually taken off-line due to difficulties caused by rough lake conditions" early Saturday morning, Nov. 1, 2014 according to an Indiana Michigan Power press release.

The full text of the release follows:

"At 2:49 a.m. today (Nov. 1) both Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1 and Unit 2 were manually taken off-line due to difficulties caused by rough lake conditions. Excessive debris from large lake swells began to overburden and eventually caused damage to several of the traveling water screens that remove debris carried in through the three 16-foot cooling water intake tunnels.

The conservative decision to remove the units from service was made when an adequate cooling water supply to the non-nuclear side of the plant could not be guaranteed. Both units are in a safe and stable condition.

The intake tunnels that bring cooling water into the plant extend one-quarter mile into Lake Michigan and have racks at the opening to prevent driftwood and other large objects from being drawn into the tunnels. Inside the plant, 14 finer-mesh moving screens extend 48-feet into the water intake boxes to filter out fish, algae, shells and other smaller objects.

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