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Monday, July 14, 2014

Gun violence survivor (Cassidy Stay - Texas): Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times (J.K. Rowling novel)

from CBS Dallas, TX press coverage (Saturday July 12, 2014): Mourners released hundreds of balloons in Houston in honor of the family gunned down in their home in Spring, Texas on Wednesday. They also heard a message of encouragement from 15-year-old Cassidy Stay, the lone survivor of the shooting, who was released from the hospital Friday. “Thank you all for coming and showing your support for me and my family. Stay strong,” Stay said as she held her arm in the air with her fingers forming the “I love you” sign. Stay suffered a skull fracture and lost part of a finger trying to protect herself from the gun shots. She survived the shootings by playing dead after her ex-uncle broke into her family’s home and killed both of her parents and all four of her siblings. Saturday, she spoke for the first time since being released from the hospital, quoting Harry Potter. “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. I know that my mom, dad, Bryan, Emily, Becca, and Zack are in a much better place and that I will be able to see them again one day." . . .

1 comment:

Timothy Shaw said...

That quotation from the character Headmaster Dumbledore is in Rowling's PRISONER OF AZBAKAN (third book in series). He uses it to cheer up the Hogwarts student body and faculty at the "Opening of Term" banquet early on in the novel.