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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Swearing-in ceremony (Jan. 20, 2013) on Sunday before Monday Inauguration Main event


President Obama's official swearing-in ceremony on Sunday, Jan. 20 at the White House will take place in the Blue Room with immediate family present, Press Secretary Jay Carney said on Monday.  Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. will officiate, as he will the next day during the repeat ceremony on the steps of the US Capitol, where hundreds of thousands will witness the moment.  The Sunday ceremony will be held "prior to noon" and it will be quick, Carney said.

"I would not expect a pre-inaugural speech," Carney joked.  "It's not likely to take very long."

President Obama will take the oath of office with his hand atop a Bible from First Lady Michelle Obama's family. It was a gift from her father to her grandmother, LaVaughn Delores Robinson, on Mother’s Day in 1958. Mrs. Robinson was the first African American woman manager of a Moody Bible Institute’s bookstore in Chicago "and she used the Bible regularly,"
according to the Presidential Inaugural Committee.
There will be full live pool coverage of the White House ceremony, Carney said, including TV cameras. The Blue Room is the center drawing room on the State Floor of the Residence, and annually home to the Official White House Christmas Tree. It overlooks the South Lawn, with the Washington Monument on the National Mall framed in the windows.

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