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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Food Day (October 24) -- "Eat Real Quiz" -- CSPI 2012

Food Day is October 24. It's a nationwide celebration and movement for healthy, affordable, and sustainable food. In its second year, Food Day will be observed in more than 2,000 events all around the country, including festivals in Baltimore, New York City, and Savannah, GA, and a conference on The Future of Food: 2050 in the United States Capitol Visitor Center. For those who won’t be able to make it to a Food Day event in person, the Eat Real Quiz provides an easy way for people to learn a little bit about the impact of their diets and to spread the word about Food Day.
"Food Day is a day to push for better food policies at all levels of government, as well as an opportunity to improve the way we eat individually," said CSPI executive director Michael F. Jacobson. "The Eat Real Quiz aims to point people in a healthier direction, and in a way that benefits the earth and farm animals. Getting from a 'C' to a 'B' might mean eating more fruit, cutting back on cheese, or eliminating sugary drinks."
Food Day is led by an advisory board that includes some of the most prominent thought leaders in the food world, including author Michael Pollan; physicians Caldwell Esselstyn, Michael Roizen, and David Satcher; nutrition authorities Walter Willett, Kelly Brownell, and Marion Nestle; chefs such as Dan Barber and Alice Waters; and cookbook author and television host Ellie Krieger. Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) are honorary co-chairs, and Representative Chellie Pingree (D-ME) is hosting the Food Day conference at the Capitol.
"Good food is a cornerstone of our well-being as individuals and as a nation," Ellie Krieger said. "Food Day is a time to celebrate and support it—a day to get together to foster healthy change in our eating habits and our food systems."
"Taking the Eat Real Quiz is a great way to improve your diet and an easy way of spreading Food Day's message of change," said Super Size Me filmmaker Morgan Spurlock, another member of the Food Day Advisory Board.

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