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Saturday, November 30, 2024

Happy Andrzeji (St. Andrew's Feast)

the Polish feast evening (Nov. 29 - 30) observed

as a night of fun -- dancing - fortune telling --

in honor of the apostle Andrew (disciple called

by Jesus along with his brother Cephas / PETER

Aleppo, Syria & Hama, Syria


Rebel soldiers swept into the airport, killing dozens of

Bashar al-Assad troops in biggest challenge to the

autocrat in 14 years . . .

sources-say-syrian-rebels-reach-heart-city . . .

Hayat-Tahrir-al-Salam (Islamist group)

Turkish-backed rebels have also joined in

DECEMBER 1 update =

The rebels now control a broad swath of land across

the regions of Hama, Idlib, and Aleppo,

in the west and northwest of Syria

Dec. 2, 2024 (NPR coverage):

With root in the uprising of 2011


GREATER SYRIA swept down from its

strongholds to take control of a vast swath

of their nation, long under Autocrat Assad.



Dec. 5 update (

Syrian insurgents entered the 4th largest city (Hama)

after 3 days of intense clashes with Assad's

government on its outskirts.  Hama's capture would

be a major setback for dictator-autocrat Bashar


The likely next target of the insurgents will be 

Homs (3rd largest city in Syria).

Friday, November 29, 2024

Mark 6: 26 - 29 (Revised New Jerusalem transl.)

a unique parable to GospMark chapter 4 "The seed 

growing by itself"

He (Jesus) also said,

"This is what the kingdom

of God is like.  It is as if

a man should scatter seed on

the earth.  Night and day,

while he sleeps, when he is

awake, the seed sprouts and

grows, how, he does NOT know.

Of its own accord the earth

produced first the shoot, 

then the ear, then the full

grain in the ear.  And when

the crop is ripe, at once he

puts in the sickle, because

harvest time has come!"

I John 5: 6 - 9 (Revised New Jerusalem Bible transl.)

I John chapter 5 contains

the Johannine Comma

(verses 7 - 8):

verse 6

"He it is who came

by water and blood,

Jesus Christ,

not with water alone,

but with water and blood,

and it is the Spirit

that bears witness,

for the Spirit is Truth.

verses 7 - 8

So there are three witnesses,

the Spirit, the water,

and the blood,

and these three are one.

verse 9

If we accept the testimony of

human witnesses,

God's testimony is greater,

for this is God's testimony

which he gave about his Son.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

John's Prologue (GospJohn 1: 9-14)

Excerpt of REVISED NEW JERUSALEM translation:

The true light that gives

light to everyone

was coming into the world!

He was in the world

and the world came into

being through him,

and the world did not know him.

He came to what was his own

and his own people did not

accept him

But to those who did accept him

he gave power to become

children of God,

to those who believed in his

name, who were born not from

blood, or from the will of the

flesh, or from human will

but from God himself.

The Word became flesh,

and lived among us, 

and we saw his glory,

the glory as of an

only-begotten Son 

of the Father, 

full of grace and truth!

published in the USA May 2019

ISBN 978-0-525-57319-7

Happy Thanksgiving (4th Thursday Nov. annual)

back to POTUS 16

Abraham Lincoln,

following a victory of the

Civil (1861 - 65), declared

a "National Day of 

Thanksgiving" -- we continue

that into the 2020s

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Bonhoeffer family (86) members may sue Eric Metaxas for lies


The Christian right / white supremacist/nationalist

has distorted and misused the legacy of

Dietrich Bonhoeffer -- Theologian, advocate

ecumenical pioneer, Hitler opponent

calling him "SPY - ASSASSIN"

Giuliani -- in court -- sketch artist

Nov. 26, 2024 Manhattan court judge

reprimands the former Prosecutor - co-

conspirator with #DJT to defame Georgia

pollworkers in his "Big Lie" coup attempt

to overturn the Nov. 2020 Pres. election. Kaitlan Collins interview with artist

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Memo of Understanding (MOU)

This necessary document for the presidential transition process

(transfer of power) between the Biden White House and the

Trump-Vance "team" was signed approx. 4 p.m. Tuesday

Nov. 26, 2024;

that allows Cabinet nominees

to begin critical preparations.

By comparison the Biden-Harris

in SEPTEMBER 2020 signed

an MOU, before that year's

election took place.

the hill. com/ homenews

Boris Epshteyn

Sold access to office of Secy. of Treasury - Trump/Vance

administration -- source was Scott Bessent,

Trump's own named nominee


National Fertility Rate (54 women out of 1,000)

cited in NY TIMES article ("Does the U.S. Have a Fertility Crisis?")

54 births out of 1,000

women of child-bearing age

[data for 2023]

Monday, November 25, 2024

Dylan James Smyth, age 42, insurrectionist in 2021 Capitol break-in

Smyth of Blanchard, Michigan has been charged by the DOJ

with felony offense of obstruction of law enforcement during

a civil disorder as well as destruction of federal property.

He dismantled a fence barricade and used it and impeded

the DC and Capitol officers' ability to clear the restricted

area. -- more at (today Monday 11/25/2024).

Best PODCAST of 2024

The winner is

"The Daily" (NY TIMES)

Who knows?

TRANSLATION: The Jerusalem Bible (1966)

Take the fig tree as a parable; as soon

as its twigs grow supple and its leaves

come out, you know that summer is near.

So with you when you see these things as

happening: know that he is near, at the

very gates!  I tell you solemnly,

before this generation has passed away,

all these things will have taken place.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but

my words will not pass away.

But as for that day or hour, nobody

knows it, neither the angels of heaven,

nor the Son; no one but the Father.

You are the salt of the earth -- Sayings of Jesus

TRANSLATION The Jerusalem Bible (1966)

TRANSLATOR / EDITOR: Alexander Jones

others consulted were Joseph Blenkinsopp &

J.R.R. Tolkien

Mark 9: 42 - 50 (omitting 44 & 46)

But anyone who is an obstacle to

bring down one of these little ones

who have faith, would be better thrown

into the sea with a great millstone 

round his neck.  And if your hand 

should cause you to sin, cut it off;

it is better for you to enter into life

crippled, than to have two hands and

go to Gehenna, into the fire that

cannot be put out.  And if your foot

should cause you to sign, cut it off;

it is better for you to enter into life

lame, than to have two feet and be

thrown into Gehenna.  And if your eye

should cause you to sign, tear it out;

it is better for you to enter into the

kingdom of God with one eye,

than to have two eyes and be thrown

into Gehenna where their worm does

not die nor their fire go out. For everyone

will be salted with fire.  SALT is a good 

thing, but if sale has become insipid,

how can you season it again?  Have SALT

in yourselves and be at peace with one


Sunday, November 24, 2024

Happy end of the year -- St. Andrew's Feast Day before 1st Sunday Advent (yearly)

Nov. 30 is the annual feast day for

St. Andrew -- called

Andrzjeki by Polish

people: a night of magic

& fortunetelling 

Saturday, November 23, 2024

David Weldon

as of March 2025 he

has been WITHDRAWN from

Nomination to head

C.D.C. - as a FL Congressman

Weldon authored anti-

vaccine legislation:

lined up by Trump-Vance Proj. 2025


to take away Vaccine Research

from Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention, Atlanta, GA

Baptiste Quinternet - Jan. 6 Insurrectionist - arrested Nov. 21, 2024

French-American naturalized citizen

arrested Nov. 21 (Wednesday) although

arrest warrant issued March 14, 2024

IDENTIFIED from footage at the U.S. Capitol

Jan. 6, 2021

Surgeon General (nominee) -- markets Vitamin B & C dietary supplements

Physician and FOX News contributor

Janette Nesheiwat

[ medical degree from

University of the Caribbean

Medical School ]

announced by Trump-Pence

on X / Twitter by newly re-elected


[requires Senate approval after hearing]

further info -- Houston CHRONICLE ONLINE

interview with Dr. Peter Hotez MD, PhD

Martin Makary, M.D.

 Fox News commentator

nominee of Trump-Pence

administration for Food & 

Drug Administration (FDA)

Nov. 22, 2024


Friday, November 22, 2024

A clear view of Mr. Trump: world leader Merkel

 Angela Merkel: memoir published in translation

next week (Nov. 2024) Freedom: Memoirs 1954 - 2021

He judged everything from the

perspective of the real estate

developer he had been before

entering politics . . .In a 2017

Oval office meeting, she felt

like Mr. Trump wanted to be liked. . .

Kris Kristofferson - memorial tribute

SOURCE: Rolling Stone .com

The one-song tribute to K. ,

Ashley McBride offering a

sparse rendition of Help Me

Make It Through The Night


Thursday, November 21, 2024

George Strait wins "Willie Nelson Lifetime Achievement" Award

Nov. 20, 2024 on ABC-TV

C.M.A. - Country Music Association

award ceremony 8 - 11 p.m. Eastern

Country music stars, past & Present,

sang his original songs and acclaimed

career highlights.  The 72-year-old

thanked everyone for the strong 

renditions of his songs.

online article

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Edward Kelley (age 35) of Knoxville, TN guilty of plotting murder

Nov. 20, 2024

Today a convicted Jan. 6 insurrectionist, Edward Kelley,

has been found guilty of plotting to murder a list of

FBI / DOJ Officials investigating his part in 

assaulting law enforcement at the U.S. Capitol

confirmed that he was plotting to assassinate

FBI agents at home and in the public.

now-found-guilty-plotting/story . . . 

"Autumn" - comment by Leonardo da Vinci "NOTEBOOKS"

In the autumn

you will make things

according to the progress

of the season, that is, 

the trees begin to fade in

their leaves on the oldest

branches, more or less,

depending on whether the

tree is represented as

growing on sterile or

fertile soil, and even more

pale and reddish those

kinds of tree that were first

to produce fruit. (p. 170,

Oxford World's Classic 


Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Painter-God (episode 2 of PBS limited series)

Leonardo da Vinci

limited series

Documentary by

Ken Burns

and his team

Nov. 18 - 19,

2024 (check

local listings)

Jan. 20, 2025 -- entertainers are Nelly, Jewel, Kid Rock, Village People (Trump - Vance Inaugural)

UPDATE: Kid Rock and Jason Aldean

will be among the singers / entertainers

to fete the Inaugural events Jan. 20, 2025.

Singing "God Bless America" will be

American Idol winner Carrie Underwood.



entertainers for the Inaugural balls.

Theme Song: YMCA by the Village People


March 2025

Update: Kid Rock (age 54-year-old entertainer)

recently broke up with his fiancee of 7 years,

Audrey Berry; he divorced his wife, Pamela

Anderson in Feb. 2007 after marrying her in Aug. 2006.

The two had been linked after dating since


he was born Jan. 17, 1971 and gained fame

in Hollywood after co-starring in Joe Dirt

a 2001 feature film.


March 26, 2025

People Magazine online reports that

Nelly has married Ashanti so that

"she won't be a baby mama" (I.e. she

is pregnant by him and expecting this year)

Monday, November 18, 2024

G-20 as of November 2024 -- Feb. 20, 2025 meeting will not be attended by Secy. of State Rubio












South Korea


Saudi Arabia

South Africa


United Kingdom

USA -- for Feb. 20, 2025 no Main

govt. official will attend (Secy. of

State Rubio declined early in 2/25)


Hegseth -- views of the U.S. Military (he is nominee for Defence Secy.) article

he believes in using the military (including national guard)
to put down domestic riots,
he spoke in favor of using waterboarding, targeting cultural
institutions in drone strikes, 
banning women from combat roles.
in 2019 he privately courted then POTUS 45 to pardon
some service members accused and convicted of war crimes.
he also pushed Trump to take further action against Iran
after the Pentagon drone attack that killed Iranian commander
Qasem Soleimani.

Bonhoeffer - 90-minute documentary - Martin Doblmeier


Documentary approach


Pastor, Pacifist, NAZI Resister"

Extensive research and archival

interviews with relatives / friends,

students, church historians-academics

of the martyred Theologian killed

by the NAZIs in April 1945.

B & W + Color footage, 2003 release.



Sunday, November 17, 2024

Antwione Williams -- one of 1st Capitol Insurrectionist to breach building

Arrested Thursday 11/14/2024 and charged with assaulting law officers

(Capitol Police - Washington, DC) was Antwione Williams

at Savannah, GA.  Details at CNN coverage



Friday, November 15, 2024

Emperor Constantine (from C. & the Bishops by H.A. Drake)

Constantine died May 22, 337 (Whitsuntide),

with his place in history already secure.  Eusebius

of Caesarea, who records the emperor's last days in 

his Vita Constantinii, is circumspect about the nature

of the illness and his symptoms, reporting 

only that it began as a "slight bodily 

indisposition" and around Easter took a turn 

for the worse.  Despairing a cure around 

Constantinople, Constantine crossed the 

Hellespont and went first to 

Drepanum. . .famous for its hot springs 

and the site for the powerful bones of the

martyr Lucian of Antioch.  There he exhausted 

himself in prayer and supplication.  With the end 

fast approaching, he began a progress to the 

sea but had to stop at Nicomedia,

where he summoned the Bishops and 

begged for the solemn rite of baptism. . .

Typically, Constantine died with a message 

on his lips.  Leaving little to the imagination,

Constantine arranged for his body to be 

placed in the middle of relics and memorials 

for each of the Apostles.

A dutiful church responded with 

the honorific title of 

ISAPOSTOLOS ( the equal of the Apostles).

Constantine & the Bishops, by H.A. Drake, Johns

Hopkins Press, 2002 paperback edition, pages 307-8. 

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Christkindl Market (Grand Rapids) opens Nov. 15, 2024

2024 vendors include

Paige Soy Candles - 100% soy and hand-poured

Lady Barkley's - handcrafted pet accessories

Ian & Grace - laser-engraved wood art

Piekny Polish Pottery - hand-decorated pottery

Whimsy Brims - hand-burned hats

The Candy - West Michigan-owned sweets company

Great Lakes Lavender Farm

28 days of festivities, starting on Nov. 15, visitors are

welcomed to the Grand Rapids (MI) Christkindlmarkt !

Downtown Market (435 Ionia Avenue SW)

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Dr. Jill Biden

also popped in for the meeting between

incumbent POTUS 46 and 

incoming POTUS 47

congratulating Trump and handing him

a letter intended for Melania Trump who

had declined the invitation to also

visit the White House as an act of transition

between the administrations.

Chief of Staff Jeff Zients

and just-named Chief of Staff Susie Wiles 

discussed important priorities for keeping

the government funded and managing

the handoff between the administrations. 

MLK III to be on-hand for monument unveiling - Nov. 19, 2024

Monday 11/19

Three locations for the events at Benton Harbor and St. Joseph

MI (Berrien County) --

10:30 a.m. Eastern Margaret Upton Arboretum, St. Joseph

a March to neighboring Benton Harbor

Dwight Mitchell City Center Park 11:30 a.m. with

concluding Luncheon at Mendel Center, LMC campus

Benton Harbor, MI

the son of the renowned civil rights advocate and 

Nobel Prize for Peace laureate is Rev. Martin L. King III.



Closed-door meeting

11/13/2024 Wed. morning

UPDATE: final words of Biden [ Welcome. Welcome back. ]

Press coverage of the 30-seconds

both shaking each other's hand:

Biden offering "everything we can

to make sure you're accommodated, 

have what you need"

Trump replying, "I appreciate very

much a transition that's so smooth,

it'll be as smooth as you can get."

NEXT were an off-camera meeting

with the two along with Chiefs-of-Staff, 

that lasted almost 2 hours. online article

Michael Shear reporting.

He referred to POTUS 46 as "Joe"

offering appreciation for hospitality

that he would not offer in Nov. - Dec. 2020.

John Ratcliffe

Trump's director of National Intelligence (2017-21)

John Ratcliffe has been

nominated by #DJT as

a new Director of the

CIA (replacing William

J. Burns)

Update: he pledged on

Jan. 15, 2025 at Senate

committee hearing that

he would not permit

politicization of the agency


Meeting at

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

the "People's House" today

were the incumbent POTUS 46

and the incoming POTUS 47;

Mrs. Trump declined a traditional

transition with FLOTUS (Dr. Biden).

Community Vision - Today 11/13/2024

Walking Tour to begin at NILES, (Michigan)

City Hall @5:30 p.m. Eastern

333 n. Second Street

Real estate and economic development professionals from

Cornerstone Alliance & Place+Main advisors will

lead a facilitates tour of sites & assets in Downtown Niles.


Be Kind and Donate Blood

World Kindness Day --

Donate blood today

Nov. 13, 2024

SBMF (South Bend

Medical Foundation Lab)

Douglas Road, S.Bend, IN

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

We only have today. Let us begin!

Mother Teresa of Calcutta:

Yesterday is gone.

Tomorrow has not yet come.

We have only today.

Let us Begin!

Archbishop of Canterbury - resignation

 Justin Welby, 68,

resigned ahead of planned

retirement in 2026;

an independent review 

concluded he had failed to

take sufficient action

following reports of abhorrent

abuse of boys & young men

in the 1970s & 80s.

SUPERMOON -- November's Full Moon 2024

Nov. 15, 2024

7:26 a.m. 

The lunar phase calendar year is

wrapping up with November's sky

closing out the year's last 

Supermoon, part of a series that 

began in August 2024.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Mike Waltz - winner at FL Congressional district - named National Security advisor to Trump 2.0

Trump's 2nd term (1/20/2025 start date)

National Security adviser [ not confirmed by the Senate ]

presently Nov. 11, 2024 just elected 

to a 4th term as a Repr. (FL) to

House of Representatives (from FL, member of R. Party)

in Congress since 2018

AGE = 50

served 27 years with Army & National Guard



Who is Marco Rubio?

FL U.S. Senator (since 2010)

likely Secretary of State for 2nd Trump administration

that begins 1/20/2025

9 p.m. Eastern -- "scoop" for the NY Times

Sunday, November 10, 2024

11 a.m. on 11th Day of 11th month

Veterans Day National Service with laying of wreaths

at Tomb of Unknown Soldier,

Arlington National Cemetery,

other state, local, soldiers & sailors burial

parks / places of entombment.

Ruben Gallego -- new U.S. Senator from AZ

Independent senator Kyrsten Sinema

will retire this next January when former

Congressman Ruben Gallego (D- AZ) replaces

her as one of the 100 senators at the Capitol.

the news/campaign/4969256-ruben-gallego


Saturday, November 9, 2024

Biggest Deportation Force this country has seen

Tom Homan (#DJT's named "Border Czar")



Abortion Policies / ballot measures

Nov. 5, 2024

YES -- Arizona, Missouri, Nevada 

Mixed metaphors - James Carville

from Maureen Dowd column:

Quotations include

The party became enamored of

'identitarianism' radiating the

repellent idea that IDENTITY is

more important than humanity;

we could never wash off the

stench of it. Carville called


the 3 stupidest words in the English 

Language.  It's like when you get

smoke on your clothes & you have

to keep washing them again & again.

People are running away from it like

the devil runs away from holy water.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Zachary Alam, insurrectionist sentenced to 8 yrs. prison

Arrested in January 2021,

this MAGA Jan. 6 domestic terrorist was sentenced in

Federal court Thursday Nov. 7, 2024

he broke the glass panes of the Speaker's door

with a black helmet shortly before fellow Insurrectionist

Ashley Babbitt crawled through the broken area and

was shot by a Capitol police officer.

more details: /regulation/ court-battles 

Notre-Dame de Paris bells

Today 11/8/2024

For the first time since the April 2019

fire that consumed the centuries-old

landmark cathedral, the bells of

Notre-Dame on the Seine, Paris, France

rang together as 8 in the 860-yr.-old

structure's north belfry.

Another 3 new bells were also rung,

one that had been rung during the 

Paris Olympic Games (2024).


Happy 100th Birthday, Winnie-the-Pooh!

Fictional character created in Nov. 1924 

by A.A. Milne

When We were very young


Whenever I walk in a London Street,

I'm ever so careful to watch my feet;

And I keep in the squares

And the masses of bears

Who wait at the corners all ready to eat

The sillies who tread on the lines of the street,

Go back to their lairs

And I say to them, "Bears,

Just look how I'm walking in all the squares!"

Who is Marie Gluesenkamp Perez?

Incumbent D. Representative for the WASHINGTON

district #3 -- outpacing challenger Joe Kent (R).

With 94.5% of the vote,

she is ahead with a lead of 3.1 percentage points

Thursday, November 7, 2024

JD Vance - to college roommate: TRUMP ESTIMATION

ohio capital journal article (April 2024)

State Repr. (Georgia) Josh McLaurin

shared this Tweet from his former Yale classmate:

I go back and forth between

thinking Trump is a cynical

a$$hole like Nixon who wouldn't

be that bad (and might even prove

useful) or that he's America's Hitler.

How's that for discouraging?

Vance describes the GOP as

"the party of lower-income, lower-

education white people. . . and 

Trump is the fruit of the party's

collective neglect"

Nevada votes to keep Senator Rosen

Votes in the race for Nevada's U.S. Senate seat 

currently held by Jackie Rosen (D) have now been

tabulated Nov. 7, 2024.  She has hung

on to her Senate seat (United States Senate).



UPDATE: Arizonans will elect Repr. Ruben Gallego

(D) to replace Kyrsten Sinema (I) for 2025-31

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

After Trump took the lead (Nov. 5 - 6 - 7),

 election deniers went



I didn't know anybody

[during post-election

period 2016 - 2017 Inauguration]

I was not a Washington person;

I was rarely there.

I know everybody 


I know the good,

the strong,

the weak,

the stupid.

I know the --

I know everybody.

And we're going to

make this country

great again, and we

have to save our country

WHAT is likely to be attempted by #DJT

There will be a deportation blitz, beginning

in January 2025 (DAY ONE of his dictator-

ship); Stephen Miller has mentioned 

"denaturalizing people" who already became

citizens.  < Historically, Hitler had his biggest

initial goal of making Jews "aliens," stateless 

immigrants with no standing in Germany of

the Third Reich, so he could force them out

and do to them what he wanted. >

Trump's immigration plans will take enormous

funding to inflict a deportation camp infrastructure.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Japan - news of their Prime Minister (Nov. 2024)

Shigera Ishibu

will lead a minority government

after voters gave his party

losses in October 2024

Simon Harris, Taoiseach

DATELINE: Tuesday 5 Nov. 2024

Dublin, Ireland

The Prime Minister of Ireland,

Simon Harris,

announced Tuesday that he would

dissolve Parliament, that would

set the stage for a general election

by Nov. 30.


Yoav Gallant

Israel's Defense Minister


Tuesday 11/5/2024

by P.M. Netanyahu

North Korean troop units

Five units of 3,000 soldiers each

are deployed to the Kursk area;

the Asian mercenaries are mixed with

Russian troops and are misidentified

on their uniforms.




Monday, November 4, 2024

Who is 99-year-old Dick Van Dyke?

Latest of many celebrity - performers to endorse

Harris-Walz ticket for

President - Vice President

Nov. 4, 2024

America gets the candidates it deserves

You are who you elect!

Clark County Sheriff deputy apologizes

following his post on FaceBook

that he would not help Democrats

and would require proof of who a person

voted for . . .

Lt. John Rodgers

Ohio sheriff's patrol commander

Springfield, OH 

Herschel Walker

endorses Jonald J. Trump




nominated by #DJT as 2025 Ambassador

to the Bahamas

NBC Kowtows to Trump "equal time" message


tv/TV news/



During NASCAR and NFL wrap-ups

Nov. 3, 2024 (after SNL sketch that

featured Kamala Harris & Maya Rudolph)

Cardi B

Who praised Kamala Harris at a suburban Milwaukee, WI

rally on Nov. 1, 2024 for 

not delusional

Susie Wiles, Chief of Staff

She has been named as CHIEF OF STAFF (2025 forward)

after 4 years of managing his political operation.

Trump's campaign manager

appeared at Sunday 11/3 airport rally at

Lititz, PA 

where he claimed he

"shouldn't have left the White House

Jan. 20, 2021" and "to get to me

somebody would have to shoot through

the fake news, I don't mind that much

cause I don't mind. I don't mind"

SUSIE WILES appeared at the

end of this speech and tried to

have him end the speech . . .

She is credited in Trump's

Election Night Mar-a-lago

Comments : she stays in

the back. Ice Baby

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Mon.11/11/24 free for Veterans - Restaurants

1 p.m. update 11/11/24: also Starbucks & White Castle

Free Dinner for Veterans

PRIME Table 1915 S. 11th Street

Niles, MI 49120

open daily 7 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Closed Thanksgiving Day 2024

Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner

Dine in - Carryout

Curbside Available (call 269-684-2112)

Veterans Day 3 p.m.

until 8 p.m.

Full menu at 

also: Applebee's, Chili's,

Mission BBQ, Bar Louie

among others


McDonalds, I-Hop have added

meal give-aways (eat-in NOT

by way of the App).

2-day observance

After All Hallows Eve,

comes All Saints day (Nov. 1) annually

and All Souls day (Nov. 2).

The regional observance of 

Dia de Los Muertos 

is also observed as a day to pray for

one's loved ones and to commune

with them by visiting their burial


Friday, November 1, 2024

Great commoner coffee shop, Dearborn, MI

Last-minute bid to sway voters at coffeehouse

in a heavily Arab-American city;

#DJT makes his pitch:

We have a good feeling for

Lebanon. . .Lebanese people,

. . .Muslim population. . .

We want their votes. . .I think 

we'll get their votes. . .

Full Moon -- the Supermoon 11/2024

Beaver Moon

7:26 a.m. on Nov. 15 Eastern Time

4th and Final Supermoon of 2024

It will appear larger and brighter

than usual


November 2024

Webvisits this month to BLOG = 5,147

Seeking Faith & Understanding

75 blog postings this month thus far

November 1 - 30, 2024

Friday Nov. 1, 2024 All Saints' Day -  174 visits

Saturday All Souls' = 229

Sunday = 217

Monday 400

Election Day 2024 = 201

Wed. 11/6 = 132

Nov. 7 = 366

Nov. 8 = 168

Nov. 9 (2nd Sat.) = 132

11/10 (Sunday ) = 383

11/11 (Veterans Day) = 236

Nov. 12 = 246

Nov. 13 =  352

Nov. 14 = 260

Nov. 15 = 128

Nov. 16 = 71

Nov. 17 = 68

Monday 11/18 = 59

11/19 = 40

11/20 = 40

11/21 = 73

11/22 - 73

11/23 - 288

11/24 = 41

11/25 = 170

11/26-7 = 142

11/28 = 116

11/26 = 96

11/27 = 173

11/28-9 = 124

Last Day of November = 91