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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

IYL 2015

from United Nations web announcement:
On 20 December 2013, The United Nations (UN) General Assembly 68th Session proclaimed 2015 as the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies (IYL 2015).

This International Year has been the initiative of a large consortium of scientific bodies together with UNESCO, and will bring together many different stakeholders including scientific societies and unions, educational institutions, technology platforms, non-profit organizations and private sector partners.

In proclaiming an International Year focusing on the topic of light science and its applications, the United Nations has recognized the importance of raising global awareness about how light-based technologies promote sustainable development and provide solutions to global challenges in energy, education, agriculture and health. Light plays a vital role in our daily lives and is an imperative cross-cutting discipline of science in the 21st century. It has revolutionized medicine, opened up international communication via the Internet, and continues to be central to linking cultural, economic and political aspects of the global society.

Guantanamo Prisoners Transferred to Kazakhstan -- Dec. 31, 2014

from WASH. POST -- (Wednesday, Dec. 31 morning):
The U.S. military has sent five detainees from the prison at Guantanamo Bay to Kazakhstan, the Pentagon announced late Tuesday, capping a year of intensified efforts by the Obama administration to shut down the detention center.
The transfer of the prisoners, three Yemenis and two Tunisians, to the central Asian nation brings the number of detainees moved out of Guantanamo this year to 28.
“The United States coordinated with the Government of Kazakhstan to ensure these transfers took place consistent with appropriate security and humane treatment measures,” the Pentagon said in a statement.
Officials are preparing to accelerate transfers in 2015 as President Obama attempts to make good on one of his key national security goals: closing the prison that became a global symbol of the excesses of the U.S. response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Already in December, the Pentagon had sent four detainees home to Afghanistan and moved six prisoners to Uruguay. Detainees have also been transferred this year to Slovakia, Georgia, Algeria, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
The Pentagon identified the Yemeni detainees as Asim Thabit Abdullah al-Khalaqi, Muhammad Ali Husayn Khanayna and Sabri Muhammad Ibrahim al-Qurashi.
Kazakhstan’s decision to accept those prisoners, in particular, is a welcome development after years in which the Obama administration was unable to repatriate a large number of Yemeni prisoners because of fears that they would escape or be set free in Yemen. After Tuesday’s transfer, 81 Yemenis remain at Guantanamo, the largest single group among the 127 detainees still there.
Earlier this year, four Yemenis were moved to Georgia and Slovakia
One of the Yemeni prisoners taken to Kazakhstan, Khalaqi, is said to have fought with al-Qaeda during the battle for Tora Bora  in Afghanistan, according to U.S. military documents made public by WikiLeaks. He was captured in Pakistan in late 2001 and handed over to the United States.
The other two Yemenis were also believed to have been members of al-Qaeda, according to the documents, which are dated 2007 and 2008. None of the three were charged with a crime, and they were later deemed to pose a low enough threat to be released.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Local NPR Affiliate -- Yusuf / Cat Stevens Radio special -- to air Jan. 2, 2015 -- 88.1 FM

Weblink at WVPE dot-org:

Yusuf (Cat Stevens) – New Radio Special

Yusuf_2_(c) Danny Clinch

yusuf (cat stevens) discusses legendary career and new album

Produced by Joyride Media.  Includes intimate interview with Yusuf (Cat Stevens), music from new album.

Paul Bowles (born Dec. 30, 1910) and his thoughts on life - Writer's Almanac (American Public Media)

Read by Garrison Keillor for daily "Writer's Almanac" (Dec. 30, 2014):
Bowles said: "We get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number, really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, some afternoon that's so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four or five times more. Perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty. And yet it all seems limitless."
Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

Lost Air Asia Flight bodies and crash debris found (Dec. 30, 2014) -- Indonesia and Java Sea off Borneo

from Washingtonpost dot-com press coverage article:
Recovery teams pulled wreckage and bodies from the sea off Indonesia on Tuesday after an intensive three-day search for a missing passenger jet that plunged from storm-laced skies with 162 people aboard.
Executives from the carrier AirAsia confirmed the debris was from the plane that disappeared Sunday moments after the pilot asked to climb to a higher altitude in an apparent attempt to avoid rough weather.
“We are sorry to be here today under these tragic circumstances,” said AirAsia executive Sunu Widyatmoko in a statement issued in the Indonesian city of Surabaya, where the plane departed for Singapore.
Indonesia’s president, Joko Widodo, thanked the international effort mobilized for the search, and then shifted his comments to the families of those on board.“I feel your loss,” he said.
Even as bodies and flotsam were pulled aboard ships, experts were making plans to reach what was left of the Airbus A320-200 in waters up to 100 feet deep.
Indonesia authorities said divers and sonar-equipped ships headed to the site, about 100 miles southeast of the coast of Borneo. The top goal is recovery of the plane’s flight recorder, the so-called black box, in hopes of gaining clues on the cause of the crash.
Indonesia’s search and rescue chief, Bambang Soelistyo, said the effort has been challenging because of waves up to 10 feet high. There are no signs of survivors, he said.
According to former accident investigator John Cox, the recorder — if found — would likely be analyzed by experts in countries, such as the United States or Australia, working alongside Indonesian authorities. It could take several days to fully study the data, he added.
“In those boxes will be story of what brought down the AirAsia flight,” said Cox, a former captain for US Airways and now chief executive of the Washington-based consulting firm Safety Operating Systems.
As night fell Tuesday, dozens of bodies were being carried to various ports along with an array of debris: A portable oxygen tank, a light blue wheeled suitcase, a portion of the inner layer of the aircraft cabin.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

NATO Mission to Afghanistan ends Dec. 28, 2014 -- lowering of green flag, continuation of support to Afghan Government

posted Dec. 28, 2014 evening (
The 13-year NATO combat mission in Afghanistan formally ended Sunday (12/2/2014) with a ceremonial retirement of its green flag and a pledge by top officials of the U.S.-led coalition to remain reliable partners in Afghanistan’s unfinished war against the Taliban and other militant groups.
Scores of Afghan and foreign officials gathered to witness the symbolic shift to a new, much smaller NATO assistance and training mission. The event was held in a basketball gym inside NATO headquarters here in the Afghan capital and accompanied by a brass band and a color guard.
“Our commitment to Afghanistan endures. . . . We are not walking away,” promised Gen. John F. Campbell, the U.S. commander of the outgoing International Security Assistance Force mission. He will lead the new NATO support mission, which technically begins at midnight Dec. 31, 2014.
Campbell and other Western officials stressed that their chief function under the new mission, named Resolute Support, will be to advise, train and assist Afghan security forces. They said, however, that a separate “non-NATO” contingent of U.S. forces will participate in force protection, logistical support and counterterrorism activities.

Friday, December 26, 2014

"Ice Festival" proceeds despite 50-degree High in Winter 2014 -- Northern Indiana (LaGrange County)

December 26 - 27, 2014
The Shipshewana Ice Festival kicks off today (Friday, the day after Christmas Day) with teams of carvers creating themed sculptures from 10 a.m.- 8 p.m. at businesses throughout town.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

152 years ago, during the Civil War -- Christmas Day (Thursday) for the President and First Lady

from a History / On this Day log and chronology (theLincolnLog dot-org):

Thursday, December 25, 1862.

President and Mrs. Lincoln visit many hospitals in afternoon. Washington Chronicle, 27 December 1862.

Message to city of Rome and the World -- Dec. 25, 2014 -- Pope Francis statement reported by BBC News

Pope Francis has denounced the "brutal persecution" of religious and ethnic minorities, in his traditional Christmas Day address.

In his second "Urbi et Orbi" - to the city and the world - Christmas message, the pontiff highlighted the plight of victims of conflict in Syria and Iraq.

"Too many people are being held hostage or massacred" in Nigeria, he added.

Pope Francis also urged dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians and condemned Taliban attacks in Pakistan.

Tens of thousands of people turned out on St Peter's Square to hear the Argentine Pope deliver his annual message.

He said Christians in Iraq and Syria had endured conflict for too long, and "together with those belonging to other ethnic and religious groups, are suffering a brutal persecution".

"May Christmas bring them hope, as indeed also to the many displaced persons, exiles and refugees, children, adults and elderly, from this region and from the whole world," the Pope said.

The STORY of the Word (John 1 selected verses from COMMON BIBLE) -- Merry Christmas 2014

"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.  The Word was with God in the beginning.  Everything came into being through the Word and without the Word nothing came into being.  What came into being through the Word was life and the life was the light for all people.  The light shines in the darkness and the darkness doesn't extinguish the light. . .The Word became flesh and made his house among us.  We have seen his glory, glory like that of a father's only son, full of grace and truth."

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

God, Lincoln, and the Civil War -- Cincinatti Civil War Roundtable (Jan. 2015 Lecture)

www.cincinatticwrt dot-org/
January 15, 2015
Stephen Brown, Cincinnati Civil War Round Table

Serving Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana Since 1956
God, Lincoln and the Civil War

Winter Weather Advisory (Dec. 24 -- 4 p.m. to Midnight) -- N. Indiana and Berrien - Cass Counties, Michigan

from WEATHER dot-com -- National Weather Service -- Wed. Dec. 24, 2014 -- morning
  • Tuesday, December 23, 2014

    Panel on "Holiday Stress" and listener feedback -- Psychologist, Sociologist, Reporter, Academics and Diane Rehm -- 11 a.m. Eastern Dec. 23, 2014

    broadcast nationally on NPR and WAMU (American University Public Radio):
    "Men and Women and Holiday Stress" 11:00 a.m. 12/23/2014 :
    For many families, the holidays mean excess stress. From gifts and cards to meals and gatherings, we often face pressure to uphold tradition and make the season special for loved ones … even when it causes anxiety or exhaustion. Women in particular report feeling overwhelmed. Surveys say nearly half of women experience higher levels of stress between Thanksgiving and Christmas. This seasonal strain can take a toll on couples and families. That’s why some say it’s time to re-think our holiday priorities, with a focus on quality over quantity. A conversation about men, women and holiday stress.

    Guests for one hour on "Diane Rehm Show"

    • B. Hibbs psychologist and family therapist; author of "Try to See it My Way: Being Fair in Love and Marriage"
    • Brigid Schulte reporter, The Washington Post; author of "Overwhelmed: Work, Love and Play When No One Has the Time"
    • Liana Sayer director of the Maryland Time Use Laboratory and professor of sociology at the University of Maryland
    • Bradford Wilcox director, the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia; visiting scholar, the American Enterprise Institute.

    Monday, December 22, 2014

    Woman Bishop named by Church of England (Dec. 17, 2014) -- coverage in National Catholic Reporter online

    Church of England names its first woman bishop

    The Church of England announced on Wednesday (Dec. 17)  that Libby Lane, a parish priest from Hale, a small village outside Manchester, would become its first woman bishop, ending centuries of all-male leadership in this country's established church.
    The announcement from Downing Street, the prime minister's official residence in London, came just a month after changes to canon law making it possible for women to assume the role of suffragan and diocesan bishops.
    Lane, 48, a mother of two and the wife of an Anglican vicar, will be consecrated as the eighth bishop of Stockport, in the diocese of Chester, at a ceremony at York Cathedral on Jan. 26. Her appointment is as a suffragan bishop -- a bishop subordinate to a metropolitan or diocesan bishop.
    Lane was one of the first women priests to be ordained, in 1992.
    Only bishops in charge of dioceses -- there are 41 in England -- sit in the House of Lords, Parliament's Upper Chamber.
    The first diocesan woman bishops are expected to be announced early next year to fill vacant posts in the dioceses of Oxford, Gloucester and Newcastle.

    Message to Commander-in-Chief Abraham Lincoln (Dec. 22) : On this date in history (150 years ago)


    On Dec. 22, 1864, during the Civil War, Union Gen. William T. Sherman sent a message to President Abraham Lincoln from Georgia, saying, "I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah

    Sunday, December 21, 2014

    Old Farmer's Almanac - Winter Solstice 2014 (Dec. 21, shortest amount of daylight)

    The Winter Solstice
    Winter inspires both joy and woe. Some people can't wait for the cooler weather, snow, skiing and ice skating, curling up by a fire, and the holiday spirit. Other people dislike the frigid temperatures, blizzards, and wild weather.
    The word solstice comes from the Latin words for "sun" and "to stand still.” In the Northern Hemisphere, as summer advances to winter, the points on the horizon where the Sun rises and sets advance southward each day; the high point in the Sun’s daily path across the sky, which occurs at local noon, also moves southward each day. At the winter solstice, the Sun’s path has reached its southernmost position. The next day, the path will advance northward. However, a few days before and after the winter solstice, the change is so slight that the Sun’s path seems to stay the same, or stand still. The Sun is directly overhead at "high-noon" on Winter Solstice at the latitude called the Tropic of Capricorn.
    Winter solstice is the day with the fewest hours of sunlight during the whole year. In the Northern Hemisphere, it occurs around December 21 or 22. In the Southern Hemisphere, around June 20 or 21.

    Sad anniversary -- Terrorist attack on Pan Am flight over Scotland (1988 on this date)


    On Dec. 21, 1988, a terrorist bomb exploded aboard a Pan Am Boeing 747 over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270 people.

    Friday, December 19, 2014

    Mt. Sinjar -- Kurdistan location where Yazidis were fleeing Islamic State (or ISIL) despite winter and cold

    from :
    Who are the Yazidis?

    Yazidis revere both the Bible and the Qu'ran - but much of their tradition is oral;

    • Religious sect found in northern Iraq, Syria and the Caucasus;
    • Religion incorporates elements of many faiths, including Zoroastrianism;
    • Principal divine figure, Malak Taus (Peacock Angel), is the supreme angel of the seven angels who ruled the universe after it was created by God;
    • Many Muslims and other groups incorrectly view Yazidis as devil worshippers;
    • There are estimated to be around 500,000 Yazidis worldwide, most living in Iraq's Nineveh plains;
    • In August 2007 jihadists attacked Yazidi villages in Nineveh, killing between 400 and 700 people.

    Ahead of the Cuba - U.S.A. restoration of diplomatic relatios announcement (Religion & Ethics Newsweekly blog)
    President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden met with Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, in the Oval Office on Tuesday 12/16 - - the day before the release of prisoner Alan Gross and the announcement of a “new chapter” in US-Cuba ties.

    Thursday, December 18, 2014

    70th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge -- bloodiest engagement of W.W. II

    The Battle of the Bulge was one of the United States largest and bloodiest encounters of the Second World War. Over the course of more than a month, some 500,000 American service members fought through snow and bitter winter conditions. In extraordinarily difficult circumstances, our Armed Forces faced down bullets and German tanks. From the grip of hatred and tyranny, they won a victory for liberty and freedom. But our triumph came at a tremendous cost; over 76,000 Americans were killed, wounded, or missing in action.

    On the 70th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, we are called to do more than commemorate a victory. We must honor the sacrifice of a generation who defied every danger to free a continent from fascism. As we salute the unfailing dedication of a free people, we tell their story so as to commit it to the memory of our Nation. The world will never forget the heroes who stepped forward to secure peace and prosperity far from home, and we will always remember those who gave their last full measure of devotion.

    The warriors who defended the promise of liberty during the Battle of the Bulge are an inspiring and heroic link in an unbroken chain that has made America the greatest force for freedom the world has ever known. Today, we lift up their memories and carry forward the proud legacy of the veterans who gave their all and in doing so, changed the course of human history.

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Tuesday, December 16, 2014, as the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.
    FROM Press Office -- White House dot-gov (December 15, 2014).

    Happy Birthday, Charles Wesley!

    Special remarks for the preacher / hymn writer of the 18th century (
    Today is the birthday of Methodist hymn writer Charles Wesley, born in Epworth, England (Dec. 18, 1707). He followed his brother John to Oxford University, where he started out as a good student but also a fun-loving troublemaker. When his brother begged him to think more seriously about religion, Charles replied: “What, would you have me be a saint all at once?” Before his years at Oxford were through, he became a devoted member of a prayer group led by John. Other students made fun of these serious-minded young men, and mocked them as"Methodists” because they were so methodical in their devotion.
    When he graduated from Oxford, his stern father wrote to him: “You are now fairly launched. Hold up your head and swim like a man.” Despite his participation in the Methodist group, Wesley was still hesitant about a religious life. He stayed in Oxford for several years, working as a tutor. John finally convinced Charles to be ordained so that he could join in on a mission to the North American colony of Georgia; but the mission was a total failure, and a depressed Charles went home after about a year, leaving John behind. He wrote in his journal that as he was leaving, he told his employer: “I have no worldly hopes. I have renounced the world. Life is bitterness to me.” The voyage home was miserable. Wesley was severely ill, and he disliked the captain, who gave away his cabin. Wesley wrote of the captain: “The first sight I had of him was upon the cabin-floor, stark naked, and dead drunk.”
    Things improved for Wesley once he got home to England. In 1738, he had the religious awakening he had been waiting for. He wrote in his journal that day: “I felt a violent opposition and reluctance to believe; yet still the Spirit of God strove with my own and the evil spirit, till by degrees he chased away the darkness of my unbelief. I found myself convinced, I know not how [...] I went to bed still sensible of my own weakness, (I humbly hope to be more and more so), yet content of Christ’s protection.”
    A few days later, John Wesley had a similar conversion, which he described with the famous line: “I felt my heart strangely warmed.” With their newfound conviction, the brothers were determined to bring their religion to regular people. They traveled around the countryside on horseback, preaching to coal miners at mines, to prison inmates, and to anyone who gathered in the open air to see them. En route to Georgia, the Wesley brothers had met a group of Moravians, and were inspired by their simplicity and faith. They were also amazed at how they sang together, and how during some of the worst storms at sea, when everyone else was frightened, the Moravians stayed calm and sang peacefully. That sort of group singing was not practiced in the Church of England. When Charles Wesley began writing hymns, he was not intending them to be sung in the fancy, ritualized setting of a church, but out in the open air or in a meeting house.
    While John continued to travel and preach, Charles eventually settled down — his health was suffering from all the traveling, and he was very happily married, and the father of young children.
    Wesley published more than 4,400 hymns during his lifetime, and left behind several thousand more.

    Wednesday, December 17, 2014

    2014 Word of the Year: "Culture" -- source is Merriam Webster online searches

    Merriam-Webster says "culture" is Word of the Year

    |The dictionary publisher says it was one of the most frequently searched words on their website.

    Feliz Cumplean~os -- 78th Birthday for Pope Francis -- gifts include cards, tango, chicken for the poor of Rome, Italy

    Pope Francis got a cake, cards and a tango demonstration for his 78th birthday Wednesday (Dec. 17, 2014) — and 1,760 pounds of chicken meat for the poor.
    The Vatican said Wednesday the meat, provided by a Spanish producer, would be distributed to soup kitchens.
    Francis also greeted eight homeless people bearing sunflowers during his Wednesday general audience, held under brilliantly sunny skies in St. Peter's Square.
    As he drove around in the open-air car to greet the crowds, children handed up birthday cards they had made for him. Francis asked one: "Did you make this? It's good!"
    Others held up signs saying "Feliz Cumpleanos" ("Happy Birthday" in Spanish) and sang to him. -- coverage from USA TODAY dot-com online article.

    Rabbi David N. Saperstein -- nomination confirmed - December 2014

    RELIGION & ETHICS NEWSWEEKLY message posting (
    The Senate has confirmed the nomination of David N. Saperstein, a Reform rabbi, to be ambassador at large for international religious freedom, in charge of countering religious persecution around the world. The longtime head of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism will be the first non-Christian to lead the State Department’s Office of International Religious Freedom.

    Ban on Christmas and New Year's (nation of Sierra Leone, Africa) - December 2014

    from National Catholic Reporter online ( ):
    The government of Sierra Leone banned public Christmas and New Year's celebrations because they may exacerbate efforts to eradicate the Ebola virus.

    President Ernest Bai Koroma said that despite immense help from the international community, the number of people infected with the virus continues to rise.  Ebola infections in Sierra Leone recently surpassed those of Liberia and Guinea.  "The illness started at the border and now is in the cities and close to 2,000 people have died from the outbreak," Koroma told reporters. He asked traditional leaders and tribal chiefs to quit performing rituals in hopes that will help curb Ebola.
    The majority of Sierra Leone's 6 million people are Muslim, but Christmas is widely celebrated among the 27 percent of people who are Christian.
    Officials said soldiers will be deployed on the streets and people are advised to stay at home with their families.  Ebun James-Dekam, general secretary of Sierra Leone's Council of Churches, said Christians should be allowed to pray in churches on Christmas and New Year's Day, and then go back home.  "If we have a quiet Christmas, that does not make us less believers," she said. "We must break the chain by avoiding body contacts."

    Noon - Dec. 17, 2014 - U.S. Statement on Cuba (White House)   
    At 12 p.m. ET today, President Obama will deliver a statement on Cuba from the Cabinet Room:

    Society for Creative Anachronism (Middle Ages and Renaissance re-enactors) - Niles (MI) District Library - Dec. 19, 2014

    from District Library announcements and main web page:
    Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA)
    Fri, December 19, 2014 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
    Weekly on Friday
    The SCA is a practical history society, recreating the arts and skills of pre-17th century Europe. While dressed in clothing of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, you can experience tournaments, royal courts, feasts, and dancing. This particular weekly gathering is a 'practice'. You will have the opportunity to learn and practice ancient arts and skills — fighting, calligraphy, cooking, armoring, metalworking, carpentry, and needlework (to name just a few) — within an all-ages social group.

    Tuesday, December 16, 2014

    Paul Simon Water for the World Act (end of Legislative Year) -- moves ahead in U.S. Senate

    from "The Hill" website (Floor Action blog):
    By Kristina Wong - 12/16/14 11:23 a.m.    
    The Senate on Monday evening passed a bill to provide developing countries access to clean drinking water, which almost became a vehicle for a declaration of war earlier this month.
    The Paul Simon Water for the World Act of 2014, sponsored by Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), would improve access to clean water and sanitation around the world.
    “Inadequate access to safe water and sanitation services sickens and kills thousands of children every day, and leads to poverty across the globe,” Durbin said in a joint statement.
    “But this is no longer simply a global health and development issue — it’s a long-term problem that increasingly threatens our national security. The Senate agreed unanimously and passed this legislation today and I hope the President will quickly sign it before the crisis reaches a devastating tipping point.”

    New Assistant Secretary - Department of Homeland Security - Confirmed by Senate vote Dec. 16, 2014

     The Senate on Tuesday, December 16, 2014 confirmed the nomination of Sarah Saldaña, to be an assistant secretary at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
    The Senate voted 55-39 to confirm Saldaña, who will head Immigration and Customs and Enforcement (ICE). She will be the first Hispanic woman to lead the agency.
    POSTED at

    Happy Birthday, Ludwig van Beethoven! -- Free concert at Chicago, IL on Dec. 16, 2014

    Free Concert for Chicago
    (Donations Accepted)

    Tuesday, December 16th, 2014

    Chicago Temple
    77 W Washington
    CHICAGO, Illinois, USA

    NOON - 2 P.M.

    Performers include violinists Dawn Gingrich, Jasmine Lin, violist Bonnie Yeager, cellist Thomas Mesa, and pianists John Orfe and George Lepauw.
    Program includes Beethoven’s Ghost Piano Trio, 4th Cello Sonata, Brahms’ Piano Quintet in F Minor AND MORE.

    Monday, December 15, 2014

    Bill of Rights Day (Dec. 15 annually) -- Proclamation and Appreciation

    from Press Office of WhiteHouse dot-gov:
    On the anniversary of the Bill of Rights, we reflect on the blessings of freedom we enjoy today, and we are reminded that our work to foster a more free, more fair, and more just society is never truly done. Guided by these sacred principles, we continue striving to make our country a place where our daughters' voices are valued just as much as our sons'; where due process of law is afforded to all people, regardless of skin color; and where the individual liberties that we cherish empower every American to pursue their dreams and achieve their own full measure of happiness.

    Our fidelity to these timeless ideals binds us together as a Nation. As we celebrate Bill of Rights Day, let us recommit to the values that define us as a people and continue our work to broaden democracy's reach by strengthening the freedoms with which we have been endowed.

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim December 15, 2014, as Bill of Rights Day. I call upon the people of the United States to mark this observance with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

    Obama's nomination for Deputy Secretary of State -- about to be confirmed (Dec. 15 evening session)

    from Background story in Christian Science Monitor (
    Antony Blinken for Deputy Secretary of State. Mr. Blinken has been the president’s deputy national security adviser since January 2013. His old stomping grounds are the U.S. Senate, where he was Democratic staff director for the Committee on Foreign Relations from 2002 to 2008, when he joined the Obama-Biden presidential transition team.
    Republicans complain that Blinken is unqualified and that he advocated for and helped implement the Obama administration’s drawdown of U.S. military forces in Iraq. They also worry that he could change the U.S. diplomatic relationship with Cuba. -- debate and vote uncertain. . .

    VIvek Murthy -- confirmed Dec. 15 as Surgeon General -- supported by 51, opposed by 43 votes of Senators (R and D)

    from Politico dot-com:
    The Senate on Monday (Dec. 15, 2014) narrowly confirmed Vivek Murthy to be the nation’s surgeon general, making him one of the highest-profile beneficiaries of the Senate’s nuclear option.
    The nomination was strongly opposed by the National Rifle Association because of Murthy’s support of gun-control laws and by Republicans who doubted that a 37-year-old physician was qualified for the public health position.  Senate Democrats are still juggling about two dozen executive branch nominations in the closing days of the 114th Congress but scheduled Murthy’s vote first, marking it as one of the most controversial and most important.

    Democrats confirmed him, 51-43, with the support of a lone Republican: Mark Kirk of Illinois. Democrats Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Joe Donnelly of Indiana and Joe Manchin of West Virginia opposed him; all hail from red states where the gun lobby is particularly powerful: more at

    Biomedical Engineering: Tumor Cell adhesion and Treatment in the bloodstream (Lecture open to public at Notre Dame University) -- today 4:15 p.m.

    Monday, December 15, 2014, 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM

    ACMS Colloquium: "Rolling in the Deep: Tumor Cell Adhesion and Treatment in the Bloodstream"

    Where: Hayes-Healy Center

    Professor Michael King, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University

    Room 127, Hayes-Healy Center, Notre Dame University Campus, Notre Dame, IN
    Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics (ACMS)
    Phone: (574) 631-8630

    On this date in history -- 98 years ago -- European history

    from NY TIMES dot-com notice of historical anniversaries:


    On Dec. 15, 1916, the French defeated the Germans in the World War I Battle of Verdun.

    Sunday, December 14, 2014

    Dec. 30 Music City Bowl invites Notre Dame Fighting Irish FB and LSU for Holiday match-up (Tennessee Titans NFL Stadium)

    For the first time in history, the University of Notre Dame football team is headed to the Franklin American Mortgage Music City Bowl.
    Notre Dame (7-5) will meet Southeastern Conference representative, LSU (8-4), at 3 p.m. EST on Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2014 at LP Field, home of the NFL Tennessee Titans, in Nashville, Tennessee.
    The Irish qualify as a representative of the Atlantic Coast Conference in their first year of an agreement, which also allows Notre Dame to play four to six games per season against ACC opponents.
    The Music City Bowl marks the fifth bowl appearance in as many seasons under Irish Head Coach, Brian Kelly. Kelly becomes the first Head Coach in Notre Dame history to take teams to bowl games in each of his first five seasons. With a win at the Music City Bowl, Brian Kelly would become the first Head Coach in Irish history to win at least eight games in each of his first five seasons with the Fighting Irish.
    “We’re thrilled with the opportunity to face LSU — one of the preeminent programs in all of college football,” said Kelly. “When we worked with the ACC to fashion our agreement, part of the attraction for Notre Dame was the ability to provide our program with this type of matchup. In that vein we’re excited to come to Nashville, to play in a bowl in which the University never before has participated and to play in a top-notch NFL venue.”

    Quotation (from Yusuf Islam blog)

    “Faith is not faith unless it seeks understanding.”
    Abdal Hakim Winter

    Saturday, December 13, 2014

    This singer-songwriter is 25 today: 12/13/14

    from IMDb posted bio section (
    Taylor Swift is a multi-Grammy award-winning American singer/songwriter who, in 2010 and at the age of 20, became the youngest artist in history to win the Grammy Award for Album of the Year. In 2011, Swift was named Billboard's Woman of the Year. Additionally Swift has been named the American Music Awards Artist of the Year.                    


    Taylor Alison Swift
    in Reading, Pennsylvania, USA

    Friday, December 12, 2014

    Interfaith Conference on Drone Warfare (January 2015) - Princeton University host and sponsor (Peace Action Education Fund)

    Mentioned in United Methodist (Board of Church and Society) Promotion and weblink:
    PRINCETON, N.J. — Religious leaders and people of faith have long debated the morality of U.S. military action abroad. Recently, U.S. use of drone warfare has become a central question for the faith community.
    From Jan. 23-25, 2015, at Princeton Theological Seminary, people of faith from across the nation and scholars of religion, law and foreign policy will gather for the first Interfaith Conference on Drone Warfare.
    As U.S. drone strikes continue in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq,and Syria, the American faith community has yet to coalesce around a common understanding and strategy for addressing this critical moral issue. This conference is a first step toward that goal.

    Make recommendations

    Participants will:
    • hear from experts in law, religious ethics,and military policy;
    • share insights from their various faith traditions as a means to reflect on the issue and guide the conversation; and
    • work to develop policy recommendations to the U.S. government.
    The conference will also make recommendations to the religious community on how it should respond to the issue of lethal drones at the local, regional,and national levels.
    The conference is facilitated by the Princeton-based Peace Action Education Fund.

    Speakers and panelists

    The conference will include a variety of speakers and panelists, including:
    • the Most Rev. Richard Pates, Bishop of Des Moines, Roman Catholic former chair, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Committee on International Justice & Peace
    • Professor Jeremy Waldron, New York University School of Law
    • Dr. Hassan Abbas, chair, Dept. of Regional & Analytical Studies, College of International Security Affairs, National Defense University
    • Rob Eshman, publisher and editor-in-chief, The Jewish Journal, Los Angeles
    • Antti Pentikainen, executive director, Finn Church Aid; chair, Civil Society Advisory Committee, U.N. Development Program
    • Professor Marjorie Cohn, Thomas Jefferson School of Law
    • Dr. George Hunsinger, Hazel Thompson McCord Professor of Systematic Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary, and
    • the Rev. Dr. Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, Professor of Theology, Chicago Theological Seminary.

    Urgent moral concern

    “The issue of lethal drones presents an urgent moral concern to the religious community because the use of lethal drones makes it easier to enter into war,” said the Rev. Richard Killmer, project director for the conference. “The goal of this conversation in the religious community is to look long and hard at the use of lethal drones and then make policy recommendations to the U.S. government. We will call on the religious community to do what it can to make the policy recommendations a reality.”
    The Interfaith Conference on Drone Warfare is open to the public. Those interested in attending or seeking additional information can register at Coalition for Peace Action or contact Alesha Vega.

    National Christmas Tree Lighting - December TV broadcast special

    PBS local affiliate (Dec. 12, 2014):
    National Christmas Tree Lighting 2014 (TV-G) Presented is the annual lighting of the National Christmas Tree in President's Park, in Washington, D.C. featuring performances by singer Rita Wilson and music group Fifth Harmony.

    Benjamin Britten's Ceremony of Carols (2014 performance) Third Sunday of Advent -- South Bend and Granger, IN

    Publicized at WVPE dot-org (NPR station, Elkhart / South Bend, IN):
    Festival of Carols-Vesper Chorale and Children's Choir of Michiana 
    Event Category:
    Choral / Vocalist
    $7-$14                        (may be purchased at First United Methodist Church, South Bend, IN)
    333 N. Main Street  
    South Bend 
    Date and Time:
    December 13, 2014 7:30 P.M.- 9:00 P.M.
    Vesper Chorale & Children's Choir of Michiana                         

    The centerpiece of this concert featuring Vesper Chorale and Children's Choir of Michiana is Benjamin Britten's Ceremony of Carols. The program will also feature a variety of other songs of the season as well. Come and revel in the joy of Christmas carols old and new.

    German - British Christmas Eve 2014 War Truce theme and worldwide call for peace

    Two Methodist congregations — one in England and one in Germany — are using the 100th anniversary of the “Christmas Truce” to signal the hope for peace in today’s conflicted world.
    The Christmas Eve services of Knutsford Methodist Church in Cheshire, England, and the United Methodist Erlöserkirche (Church of the Redeemer) in Bremen, Germany, will include a mutual order of worship, short getting-to-know-you videos, the singing of “Silent Night” in English and German and a late-night Skype connection from Bremen to Knutsford.
    And, in true Methodist fashion, the churches are exchanging Christmas cakes and cookies. 
    German and British soldiers left trenches along World War I’s western front during the unofficial Christmas Truce to bury the dead, sing songs and hymns, share food and drink and, famously, hold football (soccer) matches.
    Part of the joint Christmas Eve litany will read like this:
    “As two congregations — one in Britain and one in Germany — we are saying ‘yes’ to the possibility of peace in  world of conflict by sharing a Christmas Eve connection with those we once called ‘enemy.’”
    Be sure to add the alt. text
    The congregation at the United Methodist Erlöserkirche (Church of the Redeemer) in Bremen, Germany, sings “Silent Night” in preparation for a Christmas Eve connection with Knutsford Methodist Church in Cheshire, England. By Kathleen LaCamera/UMNS.

    World War I never forgotten

    The intense attention in Britain on the 100th anniversary of World War I is evident in Cheshire, where the homes whose family members died in the war are marked with red poppies.
    The Knutsford congregation of just more than 300, representing all ages, liked the idea of commemorating the Christmas Truce during a time that churches in Britain and Ireland have designated as a “year of hope.”

    On Christmas Eve, both congregations will follow a similar order of worship, but since the Bremen service occurs in the afternoon, the only live component will happen around midnight, during the Knutsford service.
    After a video about the Bremen congregation and before the singing of “Silent Night,” Knutsford congregants will watch the two pastors have a brief Skype conversation and exchange the peace. In both services, the pastors will close the worship, via video cooperation, with a final benediction and blessing.
    Sharon Mayer — a member of Knutsford Church and, until recently, its pastoral worker — has helped Cotton and the congregation with their German pronunciation for verses of “Silent Night” so it is understandable to the Bremen congregation. “We’ve enjoyed trying to get the singing sounding like it’s vaguely German,” she laughed.
    Mayer’s English father had no siblings, but her German mother was one of five, so “the only relatives we had growing up were our German cousins and aunts and uncles.” Those relatives, she said, gave her a different perspective of World War II from people who were caught up in the conflict but did not choose to be at war.
    Her own experience of a German Christmas — whether celebrated in England or Germany — was a 4 p.m. service on Christmas Eve, followed by family time around the tree and the opening of presents.

    Sharing Christmas treats

    Learning of such traditions is a part of the project. Eyewitness accounts of the Christmas Truce mention an exchange of holiday cakes, so the two congregations decided to do the same. “We really want to have the most authentic experience of this connection to the past and to each other,” LaCamera explained.
    When LaCamera flew to Bremen on Nov. 29 to film a video segment, she carried a traditional English Christmas cake — dense with dried fruit and covered in “royal icing” — with her.
    The return flight involved the transport of what she estimates to be 500 cookies and a German Christmas cake, baked by the Bremen church for the Knutsford congregation, which she has kept in her freezer and in airtight plastic bags on her back porch.
    In Britain, Cotton pointed out, Christmas cakes are meant to be cut into pieces and shared together. Being able to “share some tradition and practice” with fellow Methodists in Germany is the significance of the gift, he said.
    Niessner-Brose was pleased to receive the cake for her congregation. “We will eat it on the third advent at a big Christmas party at church in the afternoon.”

    Thursday, December 11, 2014

    Late Night with David Letterman (CBS 11:35 p.m. talk show) -- will end on Wed., May 20 not Friday, May 22, 2015

    from MEDIA watch- website -- Vulture dot-com/

    David Letterman has set a date for his departure: He’ll host his CBS Late Show for the final time on May 20, the network just announced. Letterman’s last show will air on a Wednesday rather than a Friday, making for a shortened final week of shows. CBS didn’t explain the reasoning behind the scheduling, but here’s one possibility: Had Letterman left on a Friday, his last show would have been on May 22 — exactly 23 years to the date Letterman’s idol, Johnny Carson, stepped down as host of The Tonight Show. While there would have been some nice symbolism there, Letterman might not have wanted to seem as if he were taking anything away from Carson. That Friday also happens to be the beginning of the Memorial Day weekend, so CBS might not have wanted Letterman’s exit to get lost in any holiday shuffle. What’s more, May 20 is also the last day of the 2014–15 TV season, so a Wednesday exit means the big ratings Letterman will draw that night will get counted in his show’s average for the season.

    Sat. Dec. 13 -- Birthday observance - Mary Todd House, Lexington, KY

    Saturday, December 13, 2014 [ ]

    5 P.M., 6 P.M., and 7 P.M.

    $15 individuals, $13 group rate (4+); $10 members

    (Reservations required)
    Celebrate Mrs. Lincoln’s 196th birthday with an evening tour Mrs. Lincoln’s Favorite Things. This light-hearted, guided tour uses the museum’s collection to explore her varied tastes-- from fashion to French. Light refreshments, including her famous white cake, complete the tour. 
    Reservations required. Admission $15 individuals, $13 per person with a group of four or more, and $10 per person for members and their guests. Recommended for ages 12 and up.

    Salome Karwah of Monrovia, Liberia -- deserving of TIME Magazine honor (after surviving Ebola herself, works for Doctors without Borders)

    Salome Karwah thought her life was over when she tested positive for Ebola. But after recovering at the Elwa 3 Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Ebola treatment center in Monrovia, Liberia, she began working as a mental health counselor there, helping others to fight the virus. Here she tells her story.
    It all started with a severe headache and a fever. Then, later, I began to vomit and I got diarrhea. My father was sick and my mother too. My niece, my fiancé, and my sister had all fallen sick. We all felt helpless.
    It was my uncle who first got the virus in our family. He contracted it from a woman he helped bring to hospital. He got sick and called our father for help, and our father went to him to bring him to a hospital for treatment. A few days after our father came back, he too got sick. We all cared for him and got infected too.
    On August 21, I and my whole family made our way to MSF’s Ebola treatment center in Monrovia. When we arrived at the treatment unit, the nurses took my mother and me to the same tent. My fiancé, my sister, my father, and my niece were taken to separate tents. My sister was pregnant and had a miscarriage.
    They took our blood and we waited for them to announce the results. After the lab test, I was confirmed positive. I thought that was the end of my world. I was afraid, because we had heard people say that if you catch Ebola, you die. The rest of my family also tested positive for the virus.
    After a few days in the isolation ward, my condition became worse. My mother was also fighting for her life. She was in a terrible state. At that point, the nurses made the decision to move me to another tent. By then, I barely understood what was going on around me. I was unconscious. I was helpless. The nurses had to bathe me, change my clothes, and feed me. I was vomiting constantly and I was very weak.
    I was feeling severe pains inside my body. The feeling was overpowering. Ebola is like a sickness from a different planet. It comes with so much pain. It causes so much pain that you can feel it in your bones. I’d never felt pain like this in my lifetime.
    My mother and father died while I was battling for my life. I didn’t know they were dead. It was only one week later, when I had started recovering, that the nurses told me that they had passed away. I was sad, but I had to accept that it had happened. I was shocked that I had lost both my parents. But god spared my life from the disease, as well as the lives of my sister, my niece, and my fiancé.
    Though I am sad at the death of my parents, I’m happy to be alive. God could not have allowed the entire family to perish. He kept us alive for a purpose.
    I am grateful to the workers here for their care. They are very nice people. They really care for their patients. The care, the medication, and encouragement can help a patient to survive.
    When you’re sick with Ebola, you always have to encourage yourself: take your medication; drink enough fluids—whether it’s oral rehydration solution or water or juices—but don’t keep your system empty. Even if they bring you food and you don’t have any appetite to eat, just eat the soup.
    After 18 days in the treatment center, the nurses came in one morning and took my blood and carried it to the laboratory for testing. Later that evening, at around 5:00PM, I saw them return. They came and announced to me that I was ready to go home because I had tested negative.
    Then I felt that my life had begun again. I went home with joy, despite having lost my parents.
    I arrived back home feeling happy, but my neighbors were still afraid of me. Few of them welcomed me back; others are still afraid to be around me—they say that I still have Ebola. There was a particular group that kept calling our house "Ebola home."
    But, to my surprise, I saw one of the ladies in the group come to my house to ask me to take her mother to the treatment center because she was sick with Ebola. I did it, and I felt happy that at least she knows now that someone cannot go to a supermarket to buy Ebola. It’s a disease that anyone—any family—can get. If someone has Ebola, it isn’t good to stigmatize them, because you don’t know who is next in line to contract the virus.
    Now, I am back at the treatment center, helping people who are suffering from the virus to recover. I am working as a mental health counselor. I find pleasure in helping people, and that is what brought me here. My efforts here may help other people to survive.
    When I am on a shift, I counsel my patients; I talk to them and I encourage them. If a patient doesn’t want to eat, I encourage them to eat. If they are weak and are unable to bathe on their own, I help to bathe them. I help them with all my might because I understand the experience—I’ve been through the very same thing.
    I feel happy in my new role. I treat my patients as if they are my children. I talk to them about my own experiences. I tell them my story to inspire them and to let them know that they too can survive. This is important, and I think it will help them.
    My elder brother and my sister are happy for me to work here. They support me in this 100 percent. Even though our parents didn’t survive the virus, we can help other people to recover.  [ from blog at DoctorswithoutBorders dot-org ]

    Five images needed to convey "Person of the Year" -- Time Magazine issue December 2014

    Few people are likely to know the names or recognize the faces of the five men and women who appear on the cover of TIME’s People of the Year issue. They are ordinary people who have made extraordinary sacrifices in 2014 to stem the spread of the deadly Ebola virus in West Africa. “They’re not just saving their own community. They’re saving us too. They’re saving the whole world,” says Jackie Nickerson, the photographer for four of the five the covers.
    Together, the covers along with the photographs in the issue by Nickerson and Bryan Schutmaat offer perhaps the broadest portrait yet of Ebola’s frontline fighters–23 of the thousands of people who have risked their lives to stop this epidemic. “There are many others we’re not showing but we wanted a range of the different kind of efforts that are required to fight this fight,” says Nancy Gibbs, TIME’s editor. “Some of them are native to Africa and some of them have come from all over the world and we wanted to capture that across our five covers.”
    “Because we’re spotlighting people who are unknown to our readers, which is very rare for Person of the Year, we wanted to make sure that what they do is apparent,” says Radhika Jones, the issue editor for Person of the Year. The photograph of Dr. Jerry Brown, the medial director and general surgeon at the Eternal Love Winning Africa Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia “is an image that takes you immediately to the work that this man is doing. When you look at the whole history of TIME’s Person of the Year covers, there are a lot of presidents, head of states and leaders. This is a very unique image for this franchise, and I think it’s one we will remember for a long time.”
    Nickerson traveled from Paris to Monrovia for the assignment. Schutmatt traveled from Amsterdam to Geneva, London and then to the United States to shoot portraits of scientists leading the search for the Ebola vaccine.

    Human Rights Day - Dec. 10 annually

    The UN General Assembly proclaimed 10 December as Human Rights Day in 1950, to bring to the attention ‘of the peoples of the world’ the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations.

    This year’s slogan, Human Rights 365, encompasses the idea that every day is Human Rights Day. It celebrates the fundamental proposition in the Universal Declaration that each one of us, everywhere, at all times is entitled to the full range of human rights, that human rights belong equally to each of us and bind us together as a global community with the same ideals and values.

    Sunday, December 7, 2014

    On this date in 1941 -- attack precipitates U.S. entry into war against global Fascism

    from NY TIMES "On this date in History":


    On Dec. 7, 1941, Japanese warplanes attacked the home base of the U.S. Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, drawing the United States into World War II. More than 2,300 Americans were killed.

    Saturday, December 6, 2014

    Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe -- Observed in ND Basilica with Indiana Bishop (Roman Catholic) - December 12, 5:15 p.m. Eastern Time

    from ND Campus Ministry announced events:

    Friday, December 12, 2014, 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM

    Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

    Where: Basilica of the Sacred Heart
    This special bi-lingual Mass will celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. All are invited to join in prayer and song with the Notre Dame Folk Choir, Coro Primavera de Nuestra Senora, Mariachi ND and Ballet Folklorico. Bishop Kevin Rhoades will preside and preach.
    Campus Ministry
    Phone: (574) 631-7800

    Philosopher on "Normal, Good Life, Expectations" -- Aquinas Lecture (Dec. 3, 2014) summation

    from the ND and SMC Observer (campus combined Newspaper - reporting):
    Eva Feder Kittay is the first lecturer in the series who is an alumna of a woman’s college, Sarah Lawrence College, assistant professor of Philosopy Michael Waddell of St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, IN said.
    “I do think there is an enormous value in a women’s college,” Kittay said. “By the end of a couple years, we are able to think without all the craziness that goes on in co-ed situations.”
    Her work has encompassed the ideas of feminist philosophy and history, and she has authored numerous books in her field, Waddell said. Her contributions have earned her nationwide recognition as a distinguished philosopher and professor.
    Kittay’s lecture stemmed from her most recent work study in the area of disability, normalcy and the idea of the good life.
    “An op-ed in the ‘Washington Post’ wrote, ‘having a child with a severe disability makes every parent a philosopher,’” Kittay said. “What if you are already a philosopher and are raising a child with multiple and severe disabilities, including severe cognitive disabilities? You become a humbler philosopher.”
    Kittay referred to her lecture as a story and an argument from the perspective of a parent who has experienced first-hand, life as a parent raising a disabled child.
    Many who watch from the sidelines see a disabled child, and they see a family condemned to struggle, Kittay said.  Her goal was to convey how these families and these children can experience a good life without the element of supposed “normalcy.”
    “Severely cognitively disabled individuals process their world and experiences atypically,” Kittay said. “[They] experience a range of human possibilities only partially available to or not salient for others. [They] have a greater degree of dependence on the care of others.”
    Kittay posed the question to her audience as to if these people with disabilities could live a good life. She quoted Aristotle in saying, “The activity of the divinity which surpasses all others in bliss must be a contemplative activity … happiness is coextensive with study.”
    “The philosophers, of course, have much to say about the good life,” Kittay said. “A more contemporary view is held by Martha Nussbaum (University of Chicago Law School). What’s normal for ‘a truly human life’ include play, closeness to the animal world, must include the ability to be autonomous and to act rationally and reasonably. These are presumed to be at the core of conception of moral personhood.”
    Kittay quoted Socrates’s famous statement, “The unexamined life is not worth living,” before addressing how she applied this philosophy during the birth of her daughter.
    “By the time I had given birth to my daughter, and yet once I became her parent, there was no question in my mind that her life was worth living,” Kittay said. “I would love her as the child of mine she is. This was foundational, the love of reason. The capacity to act rationally [was] not at the center of a life of meaning and value.
    “How can one argue that moral worth [is] predicated on the ability to reason,” she said. “One can argue life itself is of estimable value.”
    In speaking about her daughter, Kittay emphasized she did not want her daughter to merely live but to have a life worth living.
    “This conception of a good life may mean they do not have a life worth living,” Kittay said. “We need not engage in disputes if the aim is to see a good life, nor do I want to speak of a minimally acceptable life. A good life should be much more than minimally acceptable.”
    Severe cognitive behavioral problems can often cause high levels of pain, which may make life harder to endure. In the case of autistic children, this may make ordinary sensory experiences intolerable, such as physical affection, Kittay said.
    “As I read and hear from parents with children with severe cognitive disabilities, it’s like being part of a special club,” Kittay said. “Even in the midst of pain, there’s a terror we will lose this child. Many of us has come to appreciate a life without preconceived expectations.”
    Love, joy and the gift of just being able to ‘be’ encompass the idea of the good life for these children and families, Kittay said.
    “It’s not easy being not normal,” Kittay said. “Normal is such a benign word. The term is deceptively descriptive. When used against an individual, it can feel like a blunder.
    “Why does the news that your child is not normal send such a shock,” Kittay said. “The worst fear is that the impairment will affect the child’s thinking. We want health for our children. How will this child grow into an adult who will be valued, not merely as a pitiful charity case?”
    Kittay said she experienced a great amount of anxiety for her daughter in that she knew she would not live a normal life and always be very vulnerable to the world around her. Though her daughter, Sesha, is now grown, some concerns remain strong for her wellbeing and safety, Kittay said.
    “She will not be able to have an intellectual life,” Kittay said. “[There’s] her extreme vulnerability to harming herself [and] her vulnerability as someone’s victim.”
    Kittay also has concerns about what important and “normal” desires of her daughter’s will remain unfulfilled, including romantic love and the desire for young children.
    “Does this mean that a good life is impossible in the absence of the normal,” Kittay said. “In our own development as parents, the two concepts seemed inseparable in the early years, prying apart ‘a good life’ from the ‘normal life.’”
    According to Kittay, acceptance in our society is directly linked to self-worth, and therefore affects the desire for normalcy.
    “We require the affirmation of community that what we are is valuable. We are in danger when we are held in contempt,” she said. “Yet, as much as each of us desires normalcy, we cheerily say, ‘we are not normal,’ and take a certain pride. Claiming normalcy is admitting to a lack of distinctiveness, a banality. We desire to be recognized as individuals.”
    There are two senses of normal which include an objective judgment of reality and a subjective judgment of value, Kittay said.
    “It remains puzzling why we should ever desire what is most common,” Kittay said. “So, why should we desire what is a judgment of reality? What deviates from the norm, maybe either a variation or an anomaly, but they need not be pathologies. It’s far more puzzling why anomalies are considered as desirable.”

    Orion Space Vehicle recovered -- Mission Success

    Posted at NASA by 9:26 p.m. Eastern Time Zone on Dec. 5, 2014:
    Orion has been safely recovered and is inside the USS Anchorage. After the crew module splashed down in the Pacific Ocean earlier today, a team of NASA, U.S. Navy, and Lockheed Martin personnel attached hardware to the spacecraft, allowing them to move it into the ship’s well deck and nestling Orion onto several bumpers on the bottom of the deck. Over the next several days, the team will perform an initial check out of Orion while the Anchorage transports the spacecraft back to shore. It is expected to be off loaded at Naval Base San Diego on Monday.

    Four injured in evening stabbing on AMTRAK train -- Niles, MI -- December 5, 2014

    details posted at Niles Star (ONLINE news account) --
    Niles City Police Chief James Millin reports that a total of four people were injured in the s tabbing on board the Amtrak Bluewater Train, which travels from Chicago to Port Huron daily.

    Millin said an older gentleman who was stabbed in the chest was taken to the operating room in serious condition, and an additional three people were injured, including the conductor of the train.

    Police responded to a call  from Amtrak staff saying that a passenger had become agitated. Police responded, tazed the assailant and took him into custody.
    9:50 p.m. Eastern Time Zone posted at NEWSPAPER website - News.

    Friday, December 5, 2014

    On this date in history (1933) -- American Cultural History

    posted at NY TIMES dot-com:


    On Dec. 5, 1933, national Prohibition came to an end as Utah became the 36th state to ratify the 21st Amendment to the Constitution, repealing the 18th Amendment.

    Orion Capsule Mission lifts off-- 7:05 a.m. December 5, 2014

    from NASA dot-gov main web page:
    Critical Step on the Journey to Mars
    The United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy with Orion atop it lifted off at 7:05 a.m. EST from Space Launch Complex 37 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. Orion will orbit Earth twice, reaching a peak altitude of 3,600 miles during its trip. The spacecraft is scheduled to splashdown in the Pacific Ocean in approximately 4.5 hours.

    Orion’s flight test is a critical step on NASA's journey to Mars.

    Thursday, December 4, 2014

    On Dec. 4, 1972 (Staggering Drop in Temperature) -- from Old Farmer's Almanac

    Monday, December 4, 1972: The temperature dropped from 52 degrees F to 18 degrees F in 20 minutes, Livingston, Montana.

    Full Moon -- December 2014

    from ALMANAC dot-com: Full Moon Names
    December's Full Moon is called the Full Cold Moon. It is the month when the winter cold fastens its grip and the nights become long and dark.
    This full Moon is also called the Long Nights Moon by some Native American tribes.

    Doctors without Borders (December 2014)

    from PBS dot-org program message board on "Religion and Ethics Newsweekly":
    Doctors Without Borders published a briefing today (December 2) that continues to criticize the international response to the Ebola crisis in West Africa as slow and insufficient, and UN leaders who met November 29 in Geneva with the World Council of Churches are calling for more cooperation between faith leaders and the international community to fight Ebola. The UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy on Ebola said “The faith groups are absolutely key to the Ebola response because they have access to the communities.”
    from HOME Page:

    Brenner Library Vintage Vinyl and Bargain Book Sale (Quincy University) -- Dec. 6, 2014

    Special Event in Lower Level of the College Library Building -- 2 - 6 p.m. 1800 College Ave | Quincy, IL 623011800 College Ave | Quincy, IL 62301
    / / / / / / / / / Here are their customary weekend hours: Friday
    8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
    1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
    1:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.

    December 3 (International Day of Persons with Disabilities) -- 2014 Presidential Proclamation

    Excerpted paragraphs from Press Office (
    We are working to rigorously enforce the protections against disability-based discrimination and expand workforce training and employment opportunities for people with disabilities, including our wounded warriors and those with serious disabilities.  Today's theme, "Sustainable Development: The promise of technology," reminds us that as we strive to increase accessibility in our communities, we cannot allow the benefits of groundbreaking innovation to be out of reach for those who seek to participate fully in our democracy and economy.
    Disability rights are not only civil rights to be enforced here at home; they are universal rights to be recognized and promoted around the globe.  That is why I am proud that during my time in Office, the United States signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and why I continue to call on the Senate to provide its advice and consent to the ratification of what is the first new human rights convention of the 21st century.  Around the world, more than 1 billion people experience a disability.  These women, men, and children seek a fair chance to complete an education, succeed in a career, and support a family -- and the United States stands with them wherever they live.

    America continues to be the world leader on disability rights.  Today, we celebrate the courage and commitment of all who have agitated and sacrificed to bring us to this point, and all who continue to press ahead toward greater access, opportunity, and inclusion.  With advocates from around the world and all those whose lives have been touched by a disability, we can build on our progress. Let us recommit to fostering a society free of barriers and full of a deeper understanding of the value each person adds to our global community.

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim December 3, 2014, as International Day of Persons with Disabilities.  I call on all Americans to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs.

    Nobel Prize Week (December 6 - 12, 2014) -- Main Day is Peace Prize events on Wed. Dec. 10, 2014 -- in Oslo, Norway

    10 December 2014 -- main web page is here

    • Save the Children’s Peace Prize Party outside the Nobel Peace Center, Oslo, 11.00 a.m. CET
    • Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony, Oslo City Hall, 1.00 p.m. - 2.40 p.m. CET
      Watch the live webcast here
    • The Nobel Peace Center, Oslo – Live transfer of the Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony on screens inside the Nobel Peace Center. Open to the public, 1.00 p.m. - 2.15 p.m. CET
    • Live CNN program (Christiane Amanpour), Oslo City Hall, 5.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. CET
    • Nobel Peace Prize Laureates visit the Indian-Pakistani celebration, Gamle Logen, 6.15 p.m. - 6.30 p.m. CET
    • Nobel banquet at the Grand Hotel Oslo, 7.00 p.m. CET

    A day to honor St. Nicholas and the traditions of that Advent figure and Saint of the Church

    December  6, 2014
    St Nicholas Eve Party for Children
    6:00 P.M.
    Join us in front of a roaring fire as we learn about the historic Saint Nicholas and share stories and songs celebrating the jolly old elf. This event is based on a European tradition in which treats left for St Nicholas' horse on the eve of his special day are replaced by candy and small treats. This is a traditional way to start the holiday season and a great way for your little ones to get a bit of personal time with the jolly old elf. (Quincy, IL local museum) 
    Call Us at (217) 224-7669

    Monday, December 1, 2014

    A Message sent to Congress (153 years ago) -- by then-President Abraham LIncoln during Civil War's first months :
    "The struggle of today, is not altogether for today -- it is for a vast future also. With a reliance on Providence, all the more firm and earnest, let us proceed in the great task which events have devolved upon us." --Annual Message to Congress, December 3, 1861.